Saturday, May 29, 2010

Project Distribute-2026--Stuff Master


Saturday, May 29, 2010..Year 1..Week 1...Blog 3...Day 5 of 5840

In Blog 2--May 27..I mention the new book by Gail Blanke: "Throiw out 50 things: Clean the Clutter Find Your Life.....

I stated: I do not have "clutter" and closets,drawers cabinates are neat and organized. However, I have started this project and blog to provide structure and documentation for getting rid of the extraneous STUFF in the next 16 years...

I aanticipate this as an ADVENTURE.....ruminating....I had this ah-ha..well WHY NOT take the Blanke challenge.....

Document getting rid of 50 "things".....and record what happens...

So that will be the structure going forward..for the first 50 "things".....

Aso of TODAY ..SIX "things" are "distributed"--gotten-rid-of:

1. 25 zippered carry on bags
2. Childhood photos to oldest son, youngest daughter
3. 10 books
4. 7 old..worn kitchen towels (replaced with 4 "gorgeous" new ones)
5. 102 tubes of mhair conditioner
6. 10 "orphan" wine glasses


then...on May 27th master organizer, Peter Walsh was on Oprah again...I was inpired-motivated to get his books from the library.....

Report on THAT adventure next time

So...ever onward.....

Stuff Master

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Project Distribute-2026--Getting Rid of Stuff

Thursday,May27,2010..Year ONE...Week 1...Blog 2...Day 3 of 5840

Wanting to practice and stay disciplined in writing this blog.....

I am experiencing this as an exciting adventure...but --if experience is a guide..with some 'kinks" to work out...

On first blog--May 25-- I described my house as neat and uncluttered...for the recrod it is also mostly dusted.vacumned and "clean"; and the cabinates.closets and drawers as orderly/organized .....

so NOT cluttered.....However if this site interested you because you do have a "cluttered/disorganized maybe want to "investigate''/read the "widom' of Gail Blanke.

The AARP Bulletin of May, 2010 had one full page illunstrationg her therories; here book: "Throw out 50 things: Clear the Clutter Find Your Life"..maybe give you inspiration and valuable information.

This blog is not about clutter or finding my life--although there indeed may be some unexpected,valuable, interesting transformations along the way..

For me...and I hope for any who choose to come along... I hope for and expect a "interesting" adventure into the ???????

Surfacing in my thoughts for "what next"....those 12 smoky glass compote/desert dishes..

O.K. The journey/adventure begins

Stuff Master


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

ProjectDistribute-2026--Stuff Master

ProjectDistribute-2026...Stuff Master

May 25,2010...Year ONE..Week 1..BLOG 1...Day 1 of 5840

INSPIRATION for ProjectDistribute-2026: Getting Rid of Stuff and this Blog

February-2010...Good friend deciding to giver up her generous/spacious 3 bedroom, 2/half bath town house and move five hours north to be close to family; thus downsizing to a 2 bedroom apartment in an upscale retirement community.

Oldest daughter giving excellent "advise"/offer: Mom---choose what you want to take..move..and I WILL GET RID OF THE REST OF YOUR STUFF.

Knowing this triggered a happy thinking process for me: IF I were downsizing--what would I take???what would I leave???what would I get rid of...and HOW????

I do keep a neat, uncluttered house; living room, dining room, kitchen, power room ready for guests anytime; kitchen cabinates and drawers-orderly/organized, closets-orderly/organized.

Bedrooms/offices and baths--neat, uncluttered; chests, desks, closets--orderly/organized...

However.....THERE IS STUFF...accumulated and kept over XX years.

The "easy" decisions: furniture,pictures. lamps..either they "fit" or they go to a home consignment store, Goodwill, maybe an "estate" sale..

therefore the GET-RID-OF-STUFF challenge is all the "orderly/organized' STUFF in cabinets, drawers, closets.....

So The ADVENTURE begins....getting rid of ALL extraneous STUFF BY 2026.


1. 25 zippered carry-on bags receiver as 'gifts' from various tour companies --never used.
Given to the Unitarian Church Winter Shelter for homeless women.

2. 10 books to the County Library book store for resale...


1. TO HOMELESS CENTER: maybe 200 tubes of hair conditioner--gotten with hair color

2. To Salvation Army: 10 "oprhan" wine glasses

Distribute the Stuff... and...well thats the adventure.

Ever onward..Stuff Master..